Our compliance guidelines
We are fully committed to compliance, i.e. legal and rule-compliant behavior. Reliability, integrity and rule-compliant behavior form the foundation of our work. With this foundation we want to
be a reliable and honest business partner.
We focus on the following areas:

Integrity in business and fair competition
Respect for third-party intellectual property rights
This includes a commitment to competition by fair means and to
Combating corruption. We want to be an objective and
be an independent consultant. Fair competition is a prerequisite for free
Market development and the associated social benefits. Accordingly,
The principle of fairness also applies in the competition for market share. Every employee
is therefore obliged to comply with the rules of fair competition. In particular
Employees must not knowingly provide false information about a
competitors or their products and services.
Separation of corporate and private interests
Our employees separate their private interests from those of the company, in
In the context of business relations with third parties, only objective criteria are relevant.
Responsibility for Reputation
The intellectual property rights of third parties are respected and honored.
Respectful and fair treatment
We attach great importance to friendly, respectful and fair interaction, which
also includes a commitment to combating discrimination.
Only by adhering to these principles can we sustainably create a prosperous and
successful business activities. They form the basis for our efforts
for professional performance at the highest level.
Mutual respect, honesty and integrity We respect the personal
Dignity, privacy and personal rights of every individual. We work together with women and men of different nationalities, cultures, religions
and skin color. We do not tolerate discrimination and sexual or other
personal harassment or insult. We are open and honest and stand by
our responsibility. We are reliable partners and only make commitments that
we can comply with. These principles apply to both the internal
cooperation as well as behavior towards external partners.
The reputation of SmartSCOPE GmbH is largely determined by the appearance,
Actions and behavior of each and every one of us. Inappropriate behavior also
Only one employee can be employed by the company
Every employee is required to respect the reputation of the
SmartSCOPE GmbH in society. The fulfillment of its tasks must
adhere to this in all matters.
Environment, Safety and Health
Protecting the environment and conserving its resources are corporate goals
of high priority. Every employee in his or her position should achieve this corporate goal
actively promote responsibility towards employees and colleagues
requires the best possible precaution against accident risks and
Health hazards. This applies to the design of workplaces,
facilities and processes as well as for security management and the
personal behavior in everyday work. The working environment must meet the requirements
a health-oriented design. Every employee must
Pay constant attention to safety.